Where do those FOUR copies of your membership list go?
Each year your Club receives a copy of your updated membership list from FGCNYS. You are requested to edit the membership list with additions, corrections, and deletions.
NOTE: Remember that new member information must also go to these people.
Copy 1: Forward to state office with your Club’s State dues (currently $10.00 per member per year) to:
FGCNYS, 292 Washington Avenue, Suite 104
Albany, NY 12203-6385.

Check made out to FGCNYS, Inc.
Copy 2: Forward with your Club's District dues (currently $2.00 per member per year) to:
Anthony Antes
545 Conklin Forks Rd.
Conklin, NY 13748-1631
Check made out to VI District, Inc.
Copy 3: Forward copy to:
VI District Director -Cheryl Miller
953 Barry Hollow Road
Marathon, NY 13803-3323
Copy 4: Please keep for your records.